Portfolio Roadmap: The future of the Open Telekom Cloud at a glance
The Open Telekom Cloud is continuously evolving: With the Portfolio Roadmap you can see at a glance which new services and enhancements to existing services can be expected in the coming months and in the long term. If you have any questions regarding the roadmap, please contact us.
The plans are subject to change due to dynamic developments in the market environment. Last updated: 01/31/2025
Product Category / ProductQ1 2025Q2 2025Q3 2025Mid TermLong Term
SFS Turbo HPC as OBS cacheEnables to cache OBS data to SFS Turbo HPC for e.g. Big Data analysis purposeSFS Turbo HPC supports SMBSFS Turbo HPC will support the SMB protocol in version 2.0 / 2.1 / 3.0SFS Turbo HPC to support ADSFS Turbo HPC to support Active Directory connectivityGP SFS – Encrypted sharesGP SFS will support encryption of the fileshares via KMS serviceGP SFS – SMB 2/3 supportGP SFS to support SMB 2.0/2.1 & 3.0GP SFS – Successor of SFS capacity orientedGP SFS is a new file-system service that is particular useful for larger file-sizes and does not require min. allocations. New version 4.4With the introduction of DDS 4.4 Version following partial features from MongoDB 4.4 will be compatible. CCE - 1.27Based on Kubernetes, the Cloud Container Engine (CCE) enables the configuration of containers via virtual machines (ECS).ASMASM is a non-intrusive solution to manage microservice lifecycle and traffic. It is compatible with the Kubernetes and Istio ecosystems and hosts a wide range of features such as retry, timeout, load balancing, outlier detection, and fault injection.CCI version updateCCI version 2025 FunctionGraph next version - DEFunctionGraph next version providing additional functionalityASMASM is a non-intrusive solution to manage microservice lifecycle and traffic. It is compatible with the Kubernetes and Istio ecosystems and hosts a wide range of features such as retry, timeout, load balancing, outlier detection, and fault injection.Memory optimized ECS flavor for RDS:MSSQLMemory optimized ECS flavor with 8vCPU and 128/256GB RAM in order to allow cost optimized RDS:MSSQL databasesDNSSECDNSSEC is a Security Extension for the DNS-Service to authenticate answers to domain queriescFunctionGraph V1 - DEFunction based computing in order to allow Function based software development and DevOps organisations to improve time to market of new features and save costs in release management and preparation of development and test environments.Optical Character RecognitionOptical Character Recognition (OCR) allows you to detect and recognize printed characters in images and convert the characters into editable text in JSON format.IPv6 supportIPv6 support for:Elastic Load BalancerCTS in EU-NLCloud Trace Service (CTS) provides operation records for cloud service resources. The operation records include resource operation requests initiated from the public cloud management console or open APIs and responses to the requests. You can query, audit, and backtrack the operation records and will be available in EU-NL region.Support MySQL to GaussDB(for MySQL)With this feature you may be able to migrate in DRS from MySQL into GaussDB(for MySQL).Customized ShardingWith this update the number of shards can be flexible defined for DCS clusters.Enterprise VPNA new improved VPN Service: - More Stability - New FeaturesGaussDB (for MySQL) new flavorNew flavor is 2CPUs with 4GB RAMSmart-ConnectThis feature allows online migration between DMS instances. Including moving and copying specific messages from one topic to another.Api-Gateway UpgradeNew features planed: * Advanced Request throttling * Circuit breaker policy * Third-party authorizer * Proxy Cache * Policy cloningOptical Character RecognitionOptical Character Recognition (OCR) allows you to detect and recognize printed characters in images and convert the characters into editable text in JSON format.ModelArts New VersionNew features in ExeML, Data Management, Model Management, AI engine Mindspore 1.5 will be available.CCE 1.28Based on Kubernetes, the Cloud Container Engine (CCE) enables the configuration of containers via virtual machines (ECS).Minor Version Upgrade IPv6 supportIPv6 support for:Virtual Privat CloudAPM Go-LiveA new service to measure and optimize the performance of cloud based Java applications.LTS UpgradeNew version will support more Search and Analysis features and Log Alerts.DNSSECDNSSEC is a Security Extension for the DNS Service to authenticate answers to domain queriesDistributed Database Middleware as EBDistributed Database Middleware (DDM) eliminates the capacity and performance bottlenecks that affects traditional growing databases and instead addresses distributed scaling issues to handle highly concurrent access to massive volumes of data.New version Please visit the release notes for a detailed information.Cloud ConnectCloud Connect allows to connect networks in differnt regions and on-premise networks within minutes.DataArts StudioDataArts Studio simplify big data operations and build intelligent knowledge libraries. It is a one-stop data lake operations platform that manages data design, development, integration, quality, and assets.Proxy feature in MySQLProxy load balancing balances requests among multiple read replicas using a load-based scheduling policy.AOM in EU-NLApplication Operations Management (AOM) is a one-stop, three-dimensional O&M management platform for cloud applications. It monitors your applications and related cloud resources in real time, collects and associates the data of resource metrics, logs, and events to analyze application health statuses, and provides flexible alarms and abundant data visualization functions and will be available in EU-NL region.Enterprise SwitchEnterprise Switch enables Layer 2 connections between the cloud and on-premise networks.Content Delivery NetworkA new Content Delivery Network:
• easier distribution of large File Sizes • Lower Latency for Content
API Gateway API Gateway (APIG) is a fully managed service that enables developers and partners to securely build, manage, and deploy APIs at any scale with high performance and availability. NATGW XS FlavorA smaller and cheaper Flavor for NATGWProxy instancesProxies can be used to optimize read / write operations and hide clustering behind a load balancer.Distributed Database MiddelwareDDM uses a storage-compute decoupled architecture that makes it easy to scale out compute and storage resources to handle a huge number of concurrent requests. It splits read and write requests with no need to modify service code.CCE 1.29Based on Kubernetes, the Cloud Container Engine (CCE) enables the configuration of containers via virtual machines (ECS).Redis v7.xDCS will support latest Redis version 7.x as caching engine.Customized ShardingWith this update the number of shards can be flexible defined for DCS clusters.Confidential BMS C7T based on V7 CPUUse BMS flavor with enabled INTEL SGX to run confidential workloadsConfidential BMS C7T based on V7 CPUUse BMS flavor with enabled INTEL SGX to run confidential workloadsGaussDB CassandraGaussDB(for Cassandra) provides excellent read and write performance, flexibility, and fault tolerance, making it the best choice for high-concurrency scenarios and websites that provide product catalogs, recommendations, personalization engines, and transaction records. It is fully compatible with Cassandra 3.11.End-of-Sale Kafka 1.1.xNo new instances for Kafka 1.1.x can be created anymore.Data Admin Service DAS provides you with database development, O&M, and intelligent diagnosis to make it easy to use and maintain cloud databases.End-of-Sale Redis 3.xNo new instances for Redis 3.x can be created anymore.New SDRS 2.0A new SDRS service will be introduced to the market IAM 2.7• IAM upgrade to version 2.7, including multiple bug fixesASM update 2025H1ASM version 2025H1Support Backup EncryptionWith any type of manual or automatic backup, an encrypted backup is created in Document Database Service.ECS - Nvidia A40 Flavor GPU accelerated flavor designed for specific workloads such as: AI-based deep learning, scientific computing, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), computing finance, seismic analysis, molecular modeling, and genomics will be provided in region DECCE 1.30Based on Kubernetes, the Cloud Container Engine (CCE) enables the configuration of containers via virtual machines (ECS).GP SSD Flavor - Disk TypeGP SSD will be the replacement of Ultra-High IO. It will come across with 20.000 IOPS and a throughput of 250 MBit/sECS - Nvidia A40 FlavorGPU accelerated flavor designed for specific workloads such as: AI-based deep learning, scientific computing, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), computing finance, seismic analysis, molecular modeling, and genomics will be provided in region NLFedora 39Fedora 39 imageCCE 1.31CCE with K8s v1.31Confidential containers in CCEConfidential containers fully integrated into OTC managed Kubernetes environment Cloud Container Engines CCEConfidential containers in CCEConfidential containers fully integrated into OTC managed Kubernetes environment Cloud Container Engines CCECCE 1.32CCE with K8s v1.31CCE 1.33 CCE with K8s v1.33BMS C7T based on V7 CPU - DEBMS flavor allowing confidential and non confidential workloadsIPv6 supportIPv6 support for: Direct ConnectSupport of DLI connectivityData Lake Insight connectivity will be available in DataArts Factory.ModelArts version 5.0.1Delivery of ModelArts Version 5.0.1CCE Turbo as BETA(Beta) A new generation of CCEASM update 2025H2ASM version 2025H2RDS New FlavorNew flavor is 8CPUs with 128GB RAMSupports Spark v. 3.1 Supports Spark v. 3.1 but needs to be requested by customer. Cloud Secret Management Service (CSMS)•CSMS is a secure, reliable, and easy-to-use secret service. •Users or applications can use CSMS to create, retrieve, update, and delete credentials in a unified manner throughout the credential lifecycle. •CSMS can help you eliminate risks incurred by hardcoding or plaintext configuration of secrets like passwords.DWS version of DWS version Service – Host Security Service•Implementation ofthenew Service „Host Security Service“ (HSS). •HSS asagent-basedservice protectsyourcloudservers and offersthefollowingfeatures: •IntrustionDetection •Vulnerability Management •Baseline Inspection •Asset ManagementCloud Firewall•Implementation ofthenew Service „Cloud Firewall“ (CFW). •CFW asa next-generation cloud-native firewallprotectsinternet and VPC borders on thecloud and offers thefollowingfeatures: •Real-time intrustion detection and prevention (IDPS) •Unified accesscontrol •Fulltrafficanalysis •Log audit and tracingCFW IPv6 Support•Support for IPv6Ubuntu 22.04 LTS for BMS based on V7 CPUUbuntu 22.04 LTS (Long-Term-Support) image for BMS flavor with INTEL SGXUbuntu 22.04 LTS for BMS based on V7 CPUUbuntu 22.04 LTS (Long-Term-Support) image for BMS flavor with INTEL SGXECS - s7nECS Flavor s7n based on latest INTEL CPU to fullfil highest performance requirements and provide support with latest technologies ECS – New GPU based flavorThis new NVIDIA GPU flavor will provide highest performance and support latest AI and graphic based requirementsECS - m7nECS Flavor m7n based on latest INTEL CPU to fullfil highest performance requirements and provide support with latest technologiesECS - c7nECS Flavor c7n based on latest INTEL CPU to fullfil highest performance requirements and provide support with latest technologiesMinor version upgrade Minor version upgrade ASM in EU-NLASM version 2025H2DataArts Studio new Version 24.4.0As part of a continuously life-cycle, this new minor version upgrade contains new features and fixed bugs. SWR cross-regionalSWR supports cross-regional imagesSDRS 2.0 with cross-region supportThe new SDRS 2.0 service will provide cross-region disaster recovery capabilitiesKMS Upgrade•Support for Key Type „Digest Key“ for HMAC keys. Used to generate and verify message authentication codes.GaussDB (for Influx)GaussDB(for Influx) is a cloud-native NoSQL time-series database full compatible with InfluxDB. ECS – e6ECS e6 as a large memory flavor will provide compute for applications that require a large amount of memory, rapid data switching, and low latency, and process large volumes of data.OLAP and OLTP applications with hyper-threading enabled c4ne – CCE turbo onlyFlavor c4ne – Network optimized flavor for use in CCE turbo onlyDRS support migration from MySQL into DDM Supported source databases: On-premises databases (MySQL 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, and 8.0) ECS databases (MySQL 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, and 8.0) Other cloud databases (MySQL 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, and 8.0) RDS for MySQL (5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 8.0)Sec-MasterH1 2026 •Implementation of the new Service „SecMaster“ •SecMaster as a next-generation cloud-native security operations center and offers integrated and automatic security operations through: •Cloud Asset Management •Security Posture Management / Cloud Service Baseline Checks •Security Information & Incident Management •Security OrchestrationMySQL 2017 new imagesAs part of continuous Lifecycle these new images (Standard and Enterprise Edition) containing fixes for known bugs and CVE. Please upgrade your existing instances.DLI version 2.3.6Delivery of DLI version 2.3.6 DLI new Version 2.3.8As part of a continuously life-cycle, this new minor version upgrade contains new features and fixed bugs.OpenSearch version 2.11OpenSearch version 2DBSS Upgrade•Support for additional databases •RDS for MySQL agentlessModelArts version 5.1ModelArts version 5.1New Version 3.2.0 LTSThe new version in both regions contains new features like FlinkServer and HetuEngine support.Enterprise Project Management Service•Implementation of the new Service Enterprise Project Management Service, offering the possibility to create multi-region-projects for authorization purposesECS vGPU BetaProvide virtual GPU based on NVIDIA A40 GPU and test customer use cases New Flavor 4vCPU & 16 GB RAMNew Flavor 4vCPU & 16 GB RAMSupports storage auto-scalingIf storage autoscaling is enabled, GeminiDB (for Cassandra) instances can automatically scale up after the storage space of the instance reaches a threshold.Confidential BMS C7T based on V7 CPU - DEUse BMS flavor with enabled INTEL SGX to run confidential workloadsConfidential BMS C7T based on V7 CPU - DEUse BMS flavor with enabled INTEL SGX to run confidential workloadsVersion 5.0New version 5.0 available in EU-DEMRS new Version 3.5.0As part of a continuously life-cycle, this new minor version upgrade contains new features and fixed bugs. New Version will offer a new version. More information about the new features in Release Notes.DataArts Studio new Version 25.3.0As part of a continuously life-cycle, this new minor version upgrade contains new features and fixed bugs.ModelArts version 6.5ModelArts version 6.5Support of intelligent document parsingMore information coming soon.HSS Upgrade 2Support more OSDisk Type ChangeDisk Type Change functionality allows changing the disk type of a EVS disk to another type – will support SSD types onlyCloud Secret Management Service (CSMS)•CSMS is a secure, reliable, and easy-to-use secret service. •Users or applications can use CSMS to create, retrieve, update, and delete credentials in a unified manner throughout the credential lifecycle. •CSMS can help you eliminate risks incurred by hardcoding or plaintext configuration of secrets like passwords. ECS - m7n and c7nECS Flavors m7n and c7n based on latest INTEL CPU to fullfil highest performance requirements and provide support with latest technologiesECS – Bring g7 flavor online again based on NVIDIA A40 GPUGPU accelerated flavor designed for specific workloads such as: AI-based deep learning, scientific computing, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), computing finance, seismic analysis, molecular modeling, and genomics will be put online againDDS supports LTSDocument Database Service supports Long Tank ServiceModelArts new Version 6.7.0As part of a continuously life-cycle, this new minor version upgrade contains new features and fixed bugs.Confidential containers in CCE - DEConfidential containers fully integrated into OTC managed Kubernetes environment Cloud Container Engines CCEConfidential containers in CCE - DEConfidential containers fully integrated into OTC managed Kubernetes environment Cloud Container Engines CCENew GPU FlavorsNew GPU flavors will be launched. - P5 instances using Nvidia H100 - G7v instances using Nvidia A40Small ECS g6 flavorSmall GPU based ECS flavor for use cases with lower performance requirements but workloads still requiring GPU power.ModelArts new Version 6.9.0As part of a continuously life-cycle, this new minor version upgrade contains new features and fixed bugs.DRS support Real-Time Synchronization from DDM into MySQLDifferent types of synchronization tasks require different permissions. For the Source database user: The user of the source DDM database must have at least one permission, for example, SELECT. The DDM sharded database user must have the SELECT, SHOW VIEW, EVENT, LOCK TABLES, REPLICATION SLAVE and REPLICATION CLIENT permissions. For the Destination database user. The user must have the SELECT, CREATE, ALTER, DROP, DELETE, INSERT and UPDATE permissions. The root account of the RDS for MySQL DB instance has the preceding permissions by default.RDS new flavorsFollowing new flavors in Microsoft SQL are available: 8vCPUs with 128 GB RAM 8vCPUs with 256 GB RAMDedicated WAF on EU-NL•Implementation of the Dedicated Web Application Firewall (DWAF) also on Region EU-NLModelArts version 5.1ModelArts version 5.1SFS Turbo Backup in NLBackup of SFS Turbo will be made available within EU-NL RegionMRS 3.3.1.LTS.1Delivery of MRS 3.3.1.LTS.1DLI version 2.3.7Delivery of DLI version 2.3.7Cloud services support shared VPCsCloud services support shared VPCsopenEuler 20.03 SP3openEuler 20.03 Service Pack 3 imageBackup WormCloud backups can be stored in a locked state preventing deletion (WORMMSSQL 2022 SE & EEPlease kindly visit Microsoft Release Notes for Microsoft SQL Server Version 2019 Enterprise / Standard Edition to get more information about new functionalities on this version.SLES 15SP5SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP5PostgreSQL 15Minor version Upgrade- PostgreSQL 16.2, PostgreSQL 15.6, PostgreSQL 14.11, PostgreSQL 13.14, PostgreSQL 12.18; - MySQL 8.0.28, MySQL 5.7.43, MySQL 5.6. 51 UGODatabase and Application Migration UGO is a professional cloud service focused on heterogeneous database schema migration.GP v2 SSDGP 2 SSD allows to create a disk with custom IOPS and Bandwidth. Those disks can more efficiently serve cases that requires e.g. high Bandwidth but low IOPSSupport of LTS interconnectivityDWS will offer a interconnectivity to LTS.RDS & GaussDB supportCBR supports RDS & GaussDB for Backup purpose – Vault creation & integration into CBR consoleopenSUSE Leap 15.5openSuseLeap 15.5 isbased on SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 SP5ECS - m7, s7, and c7ECS Flavors m7, s7, and c7 based on latest INTEL CPU tofullfilhighestperformancerequirements and provide support withlatesttechnologiesECS – Bring g7 flavor online again based on NVIDIA A40 GPUGPU accelerated flavor designed for specific workloads such as: AI-based deep learning, scientific computing, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), computing finance, seismic analysis, molecular modeling, and genomics will be put online againECS - m7nECS Flavor m7n based on latest INTEL CPU to fullfil highest performance requirements and provide support with latest technologiesCloud WAF on EU-DE•Implementation of the new type Cloud Web Application Firewall (CWAF) on Region EU-DE New Features for Data Lake InsightNew minor version of Data Lake Insight (DLI) offers new features and some changes on existing onesNew FlavorsFolgenden drei neue Flavors werden eingeführt:he following three new flavors will be introduced: m3.2xlarge.8 m4.2xlarge.8 m3.15xlarge.8Cross Region Replication - GA Cross-Region Replication enables replication of backup data stored in OBS from DE to NL region or vice versa. This functionality is especially useful to achieve BSI compliance regarding Geo-Redundancy as well as KRITIS.Minor/Major Version Upgrade in CSS and OpenSearchMinor/Major Version Upgrade in CSS and OpenSearchDefault Backup via ECSAbility to configure a CBR backup within the ECS-server configurationCross Region Replication - GACross-Region Replication enables replication of backup data stored in OBS from DE to NL region or vice versa. This functionality is especially useful to achieve BSI compliance regarding Geo-Redundancy as well as KRITIS.ECS - m7nECS Flavor m7n based on latest INTEL CPU to fullfil highest performance requirements and provide support with latest technologiesPostgreSQL 16PostgreSQL Auto-ScalingWith storage autoscaling enabled, when Relational Database Service (RDS) detects that you are running out of database space, it automatically scales up your storage ONLY for PostgreSQL.Minor Version PostgreSQL & MySQLAs a standard Lifecycle procedure we would like to deliver once per quartal new minor versions only in PostgreSQL and MySQL.Higher Spec for Ultra-High IOUltra-High IO will receive 50.000 IOPS as well as 350 Mbit/s throughput. Please be aware that you might need to plan a migration to GP SSD flavor as pricing will be increased for this higher IOPS disk typeData Warehouse Service supports Log Tank ServiceCluster logs are collected and sent to Log Tank Service (LTS). You can check or dump the collected cluster logs on LTS.IPv6 supportIPv6 support for Elastic Cloud ServerECS – e6ECS e6 as a large memory flavor will provide compute for applications that require a large amount of memory, rapid data switching, and low latency, and process large volumes of data.OLAP and OLTP applications with hyper-threading enabledc4ne – CCE turbo onlyFlavor c4ne – Network optimized flavor for use in CCE turbo onlyECS vGPU BetaProvide virtual GPU based on NVIDIA A40 GPU and test customer use cases SFS Turbo HPC to support Cross AZ & Cross-Region replicationIn mid to long term SFS Turbo HPC will receive a functionality to replicate the SFS Turbo HPC shares to different AZ & across regionsKoosearch Support KooSearch is an intelligent search engine with multiple AI models and more than 50 languages.Cloud WAF on EU-NL•Implementation of the new type Cloud Web Application Firewall (CWAF) also on Region EU-NLNew flavor in MRS available in EU-DE60 vCPUs with 512 GB RAMBasic SSD – Disk TypeBasic SSD disk type is planned to replace the Common & High IO disk types. It is planned to have 7.500 IOPS and a throughput of 100 Mbit/sData Warehouse Service supports Tag Management ServiceWith Tag Management Service (TMS), Data Warehouse Services (DWS) can provide centralized tag management and resource classification functions across regions and services. You can customize tags to classify and locate resources.MS SQL 2022This delivery includes MSSQL 2022 Standard Edition and Enterprise Edition.OBS to support CESOBS will receive a deeper integration into the Cloud Eye Service to support advanced monitoring as well as notification functionality.ECS – fine grained policiesFine grained policies on rescource level will be enabled for ECSIPv6 support for ECS flavors s7n, c7n, m7nIPv6 support for Elastic Cloud ServerECS - s7n - DEECS Flavor s7n based on latest INTEL CPU to fullfil highest performance requirements and provide support with latest technologiesGeneration 7 as DeHDedicated Host will also be offered for - s7n - m7n - c7nECS - m7n - DEECS Flavor m7n based on latest INTEL CPU to fullfil highest performance requirements and provide support with latest technologiesECS - c7n - DEECS Flavor c7n based on latest INTEL CPU to fullfil highest performance requirements and provide support with latest technologiesIntegrate ECS into HSSECS will allow to be integrated into High Security Services – HSS provides a significantly higher security levelNew OpenSearch 2.17This new version offers new features and enhancements designed to improve machine learning (ML) integration, scalability and search performance to mention few of them.New flavor in MRS available in EU-DE8 vCPUs with 64 GB RAM m3.2xlarge.8 & m4.2xlarge.8PostgreSQL new flavorPostgreSQL will offer a new flavor with 96 VCPU & 768GB RAMECS vGPU - DEProvide virtual GPU based on NVIDIA A40 GPU and test customer use cases Support of IBM CognosData Warehouse Service wills upport IBM Cognos to support BI solutions from IBMNew version 3.3.1-LTS.1 is available in EU-DE and EU-NL regionsThis new minor version upgrade includes the following new features and fixed bugs: The MemArtsCC component is now supported. HBase supports table-level overload control. The Hive slow log function is enhanced. Hudi TTL is supported. Hudi supports hidden partitioningNew FeaturesAs part of a continuously life-cycle we offer in this yearly update some new features and fixed bugs in this release.DWS new Version 8.5.1As part of a continuously life-cycle, this new minor version upgrade contains new features and fixed bugs.SFS Turbo HPC as OBS cacheEnables to cache OBS data to SFS Turbo HPC for e.g. Big Data analysis purposeSupport PostgreSQL Major Version UpgradePostgreSQL will offer a out of the box menu option for Upgrading PG into a higher major version. MRS new Version 3.5.1As part of a continuously life-cycle, this new minor version upgrade contains new features and fixed bugs. OBS – Improved CRR supportOBS will receive an improved CRR functionality more performant replicationsOBS – Intelligent TieringOBS with ability to automatically put data in best fitting storage classOBS – Performance type & deep archiveThese storage classes are uncommited in terms of delivery of the storage classes. Please let us know if you have a demand in a more performant OBS? Or would like to have a deep archive OBS? Let us know via service-ticket if you have such kind of demand.Support of Extreme SSDRDS will support Extreme SSD to increase performance in I/ODWS new Version 8.6.0As part of a continuously life-cycle, this new minor version upgrade contains new features and fixed bugs.PostgreSQL 11 EOLEnd of Life for PostgreSQL version 11 starting by February 1st, 2025MSSQL 2019 new image versionNew Microsoft SQL 2019 Standard Edition & Enterprise Edition image availableSupport of Geo-redundancyYou can now easily replicate your backups to another region(cross-region backup).PostgreSQL 17New PostgreSQL version 17 available in EU-DE and EU-NLPostgreSQL 12 EOL SSD – Disk TypeEnd of Life for PostgreSQL version 11 starting by November 1st, 2025New flavors based on latest CPUGeneration 8 based on Granite Rapid (GNR) Intel® CPUs for c.* & m.* flavor family.Pgvector 0.6.1 is now available in RDS PostgreSQLPgvector is a PostgreSQL extension that provides support for vector data types, which are essential for various applications such as text search, information retrieval, and machine learningNew flavors based on latest CPUGeneration 8 based on Granite Rapid (GNR) Intel® CPUs for s.* flavor families.MSSQL 2017 new image versionNew Microsoft SQL 2017 Standard Edition & Enterprise Edition image availableNew m4 mediumm3 and m4 will support new medium flavor with 1 vCPU and 8 GB RAMPostgreSQL offers new minor versionsFollowing new minor versions will be available: 16.4, 15.8, 14.13, 13.16 and 12.20Generation 7 in EU-NLEU-NL will support: - General purpose flavors - s7n - Compute optimized - c7n - Memory optimized flavors - m7ns7n in AZ-01In addition to AZ-03, AZ-01 will also offer s7n general purpose flavors.today
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The Open Telekom Cloud offers a wealth of cloud functions such as virtual machines, data storage, object-oriented and relational databases, and a virtual private cloud. We provide all of this in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), at enterprise-level, and 100 percent in Europe. The Open Telekom Cloud is hosted exclusively in data centers in Germany and the Netherlands.
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