Open Telekom Cloud for Business Customers

Pricing Models Overview

Always keep your costs transparent

Understanding pricing models to
leverage cost advantages

One of the main arguments for the use of cloud computing is its dynamic nature. Used resources and therefore also the costs are based on actual usage. However, as simple, clear, and cost-effective as it is to quote prices for the hourly use of virtual machines (VMs), it gets complicated when additional components are used. Few users rely on VMs alone: network connectivity, storage, software licenses (operating systems, middleware, databases, and applications) – a large number of components have to be taken into account for complete IT environments. Self-service also means that costs need to be kept an eye on.

Image graphic: A man operates a tablet

How are the various Open Telekom Cloud services billed? Some services offer free periods, while others’ costs increase linearly or scale with usage. Here you will find details on all billing models, starting with the core IaaS services.

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Computing & Containers

Differing pricing models exist for Elastic Cloud Server (ECS), Dedicated Host (DeH), Image Management Service (IMS) and Cloud Container Engine (CCE), from pay-as-you-go to reserved concepts. The ECS in particular is a core service to utilize cloud resources via virtual machines. A sound understanding of its cost structure is essential for competent price management. Find out here which model is best suited for your application.

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The Open Telekom Cloud offers five storage types: Elastic Volume Service (EVS, Block Storage – always bound to virtual machines), Object Storage Service (OBS), Volume or Cloud Server Backup Service (VBS/CSBS), Scalable File Service (SFS) and Storage Disaster Recovery Service (SDRS). The billing models between Object Storage and Block Storage offers (EVS, VBS) differ. Find out more about the cost structure of the individual storage variants.

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Data transfer to and within the Open Telekom Cloud is free of charge; staggered prices apply for the download or sending of data according to data volume. Here you can find out about the pricing scale for outgoing data transfers and the prices for Direct Connect (DC), Private Link Access Service (PLAS), Domain Name Service (DNS) and other network services.

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Database & Analysis

The manifold databases can be obtained directly as PaaS from the platform. Typically, they are billed hourly. Just like the ECS, RDS databases offer reserved options.

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The Open Telekom Cloud offers usage-based billing for security-related services at an affordable price. The central Anti-DDoS protection is already included in the standard Internet connection.

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Management & Application

Management services enable an uncomplicated management of cloud resources. For example, using the Tag Management Service (TMS), it is possible to easily retrieve resources and allocate costs in the financial dashboard on a resource-by-resource basis.

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