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Host Security Service (HSS)

With Host Security Service (HSS), you can manage server and container risks and facilitate compliance with cybersecurity standards. Combat attacks such as ransomware, mining, infiltration and container escapes.

HSS is designed to protect server workloads in hybrid clouds and multi-cloud data centers. It provides host security features, container security features, and Web Tamper Protection (WTP).

The service can help you monitor and manage your servers and containers in a unified way, protect the integrity of your system, increase application security, monitor user operations, and detect intrusions.



Image with digital locks

Reasons for HSS in the Open Telekom Cloud

Icon with clipboard and exclamation mark

Quick alarm report and resolution

HSS can detect fingerprints, vulnerabilities and insecure baselines on your servers and containers and will generate alerts in mere seconds. Fix vulnerabilities and basic problems with one click and isolate viruses automatically within seconds.

Icon with target and dart

High performance and accuracy

More than 99% of known ransomware can be detected. The accuracy of web shell and mining detection is over 99%. HSS runs stably with an average CPU utilization of less than 2% and a low impact on services.

Icon with crossed tools and euro symbol in the background

Low costs and operating and maintenance costs

HSS is billed per use, is easy to install, and is available immediately after activation, including integrated server and container security functions to reduce both alarms and operating and maintenance costs.

Key Features of HSS

Two people in a corridor with servers in a data center

Broad applicability and comprehensive functions

You can use HSS on VMs, physical machines and containers in public clouds, private clouds, third-party clouds and data centers around the world.

HSS protects servers and containers throughout their lifecycle, helping you manage resources, remediate vulnerabilities, check baseline settings, scan for and remove viruses, and detect intrusions.

Icon with shelf

Asset management

HSS can count the processes, ports, middleware and other assets on your servers and containers and visualize the statistics for you.

Icon for security scan

Basic security scans

Detect weak passwords and insecure configurations and identify general security risks on all cloud servers.

Icon with alarm display

Vulnerability management

Scan for more than 200,000 vulnerabilities in your operating system and software with HSS and fix them with one click.

Icon with virus


Detect and isolate Trojans, worms, mining software, ransomware and other viruses in real time.

Icon with a virus in a magnifying glass

Intrusion detection

HSS provides more than 400 threat detection models to detect intrusions in real time, including brute force attacks, reverse shells, penetrations and container escapes, in real time.

Icon with virus in a coat of arms

Ransomware prevention

Protect your data with our end-to-end solution that includes vulnerability detection, virus isolation, dynamic honeypots, backup and recovery.

Icon with lock on a screen

Web tamper protection

Protect the files on your servers, databases and shared hard disks from tampering and restore files within minutes if they have been maliciously modified.

Icon with coat of arms and closed brackets

Container Image 

HSS can search for vulnerabilities, malicious files and fundamental problems in container images and make suggestions.


Use Cases

Improvement of server security

Perform security assessments on all your servers and quickly remove any risks (accounts, open ports, software vulnerabilities, weak passwords, etc.) that exist throughout the system.

Key functions

  • Asset-Management

Scan and manage all your resources in one place. Easily monitor software, directories, processes, ports, and accounts on cloud servers.

  • Vulnerability management

Detect and fix vulnerabilities based on the extensive and regularly updated Vulnerability Library.

  • Intrusion detection

Secure logins with two-factor authentication (2FA), block brute force attacks, and detect remote logins, changes to system files, and the execution of malicious programs, malware and viruses.

  • Security scan

Detect weak passwords and insecure configurations and identify general security risks on cloud servers.

Graphic Key functions Security
Ransomware Prevention

HSS uses ransomware detection engines and dynamic honeypots to prevent ransomware from entering your system, encrypting data, or spreading to other devices. Known ransomware can be blocked in real time. Unknown ransomware can be detected and removed in seconds. You can also configure backup policies so that data can be restored from a backup if a ransomware attack ever gets through.


  • Strong protection against known ransomware

HSS can prevent known ransomware families. It protects servers, containers and applications from intrusion, malicious encryption, and virus propagation and fights ransomware at every stage of its kill chain.

  • Immediate detection and blocking

HSS can quickly block and isolate ransomware processes and files to prevent malicious encryption and its spread.


Graphic Ransomware Prevention

Find out more


Book now and claim starting credit of EUR 250* (code: 4UOTC250)

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We will answer any questions you have regarding testing, booking and usage – free and tailored to your needs. Try it out today!

Hotline: 24 hours a day, seven days a week 
0800 3304477from Germany
+800 33044770from abroad
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* Voucher can be redeemed until December 31, 2025. Please contact us when using the voucher for booking. The discount is only valid for customers with a billing address in Germany and expires two months after conclusion of the contract. The credit is deducted according to the valid list prices as per the service description. Payment of the credit in cash is excluded.


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