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Disaster Recovery in the Cloud

After an incident such as a fire or a virus attack, a quick recovery of operations is critical. This requires a disaster recovery site that serves as a backup and can quickly replace failed systems. Services that implement disaster recovery in the Open Telekom Cloud give your company a high level of security and at the same time relieve your IT of the burden of maintaining redundant data centers. The decisive factor here is data protection: after all, a backup usually contains personal data. The Open Telekom Cloud not only complies with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), but is also under European management – and therefore not accessible to foreign authorities. What's more, its services can be configured on request to meet the German Federal Office for Information Security's (BSI) georedundancy criteria, which were tightened in 2018.

A man and a woman inspecting a server room

Three good reasons for Disaster Recovery in the Open Telekom Cloud

Icon of a ribbon infront of a clipboard

Highest standards

Our network of twin data centers is among the most modern and secure in the world.

Icon of a padlock infront of an EU cloud

European data protection

Our facilities store data exclusively in the EU and are under European management.

Icon of a shield infront of a map

Security through georedundancy

Locations in Germany and the Netherlands create security even in the event of catastrophic events.

Our offers for Disaster Recovery in the Open Telekom Cloud

Europe seen from above at night

Georedundancy ensures maximum security

Earthen walls against brute force attacks, meter-high security fences and redundancy through pair-wise construction: Our data centers are among the most modern and secure in the world. The physical distance between their locations provides additional security: Three are located in Germany in Magdeburg and Biere, and two others near Amsterdam. As a result, our data centers also meet the BSI's tightened criteria for georedundancy in 2019.

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Disaster recovery according to European data protection regulations

When setting up a disaster recovery site to house customer data, it is crucial that it also complies with European data protection regulations – such as the GDPR.
Your business model only allows data processing in Germany? We provide you with resources in the Open Telekom Cloud including data backup in exclusively local data centers. And our data protection expertise is fully certified: We were one of the first providers to receive the TCDP 1.0 (Auditor) certificate.

A data center seen from outside

Our goal: Zero Outage

Zero Outage is our quality assurance program. It has a clear goal: to enable you to enjoy a working day with minimal downtime thanks to the high standards of our services. The measures it contains take place at all levels. From state-of-the-art platforms and globally standardized processes with short fault clearance times to specially trained personnel and a risk management system that has been tried and tested several times.

Many zeros and ones with a large zero in the foreground

Are you interested in our disaster recovery solutions?

Contact us now for a free and individual consultation!

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Frequently asked questions about Disaster Recovery

What is Disaster Recovery?

Disaster recovery is all about preparing for incidents that hinder or completely shut down a company's operations. These can be high-profile disasters such as floods, fires or terrorist attacks, but also minor accidents that don't appear on TV such as burst pipes, cable fires, infection by ransomware or simply unintentional deletion of data. 

Such disasters result in buildings, machines and IT equipment being damaged and unusable. But they also affect companies indirectly: for example, when power, water or communication facilities fail, or employees cannot show up for work because their means of transportation are unavailable. Even a few days of business interruption cause companies to lose customers. They threaten the very existence of the company. 

The goal of disaster recovery is to ensure operations despite unpredictable events and to minimize any negative impact on a company or organization. To do this, management creates a disaster recovery plan that outlines how emergency teams will be assembled and servers, networks, phone systems or data storage will be restored after a disaster. 

Preparing for potential disasters is not only smart, but often a prerequisite for doing business: That's because disaster recovery is often a requirement for companies that provide IT services. For example, many customers require an ISO 27001 certification for disaster recovery from their service providers.

What is a Disaster Recovery Plan?

The Disaster Recovery Plan provides measures, procedures and guidelines on how to react in the event of a failure in order to minimize the impact on the company. Its goal is to keep IT system downtime to a minimum in the event of an emergency so that the company can resume operations as quickly as possible. Therefore, it lists step by step the measures that the IT emergency team should implement in the event of a disaster. It also defines information channels, escalation levels and responsibilities.

What is the role of the key indicators RTO and RPO?

In simple terms, the two parameters RTO (Recovery Time Objective) and RPO (Recovery Point Objective) show a company how long its operations may be interrupted and how much data it can lose without suffering significant damage.

The RTO is the time between the occurrence of an incident and the resumption of operations. The time period can range from a few seconds to several days or weeks. The RPO, on the other hand, defines how old the data of the most recent backup may be. The key figure thus describes the maximum amount of data loss that can be tolerated by the company.

RPO and RTO are crucial elements of a DR plan because they define its goals in concrete key figures. Companies must define them separately for each IT system.

What is the difference between business continuity and disaster recovery?

The terms disaster recovery (DR) and business continuity (BC) are often used as synonyms. Both are about restoring business operations as quickly and as close to normal operations as possible in the event of a disaster. Often, the same team in an organization is involved with both BC and DR.

However, BC is broader because it is concerned not only with the recovery of IT services, but with the stability of all critical operations. It generally refers to the processes and procedures an organization must implement to ensure that mission-critical functions can continue during and after an incident. A DR plan, on the other hand, focuses on technical systems and includes specific steps an organization takes to resume IT operations after an incident.

What role does georedundancy play in disaster recovery?

Even if a company operates a highly available disaster recovery site in addition to its production systems, events affecting entire regions can cause both systems to fail if they are set up too close together. For example, this could be flooding or severe weather, damage to power lines, or incidents at chemical plants or nuclear power stations that lead to the evacuation of entire regions.

In December 2018, the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) therefore set out requirements for the locations of redundant data centers in its “Criteria for the siting of highly available and geo-redundant data centers“. Accordingly, these must be at least 200 kilometers apart.

Operators of critical infrastructures (Kritis) – such as waterworks or electricity suppliers – are bound by these requirements.The office also recommends georedundancy for emergency preparedness to authorities and companies with high or very high availability requirements. Numerous industry associations also recommend that their members comply with the BSI's recommendations. The Open Telekom Cloud enables users with their sites in Germany and the Netherlands to fulfill these requirements with ready-made services that are easy to implement.

What does disaster recovery in the cloud mean?

To keep their IT-systems running after unforeseen events, companies usually build a disaster recovery site. This is a complete copy of a data center at a location remote from the original, which takes over its functions in the event of an emergency. As such, it incurs the same costs as the original for staff, rent, hardware, building protection, electricity and insurance. In addition, a skilled IT team must maintain and service the additional site, which is a challenge for many companies in these times of skills shortages. This is often beyond the capabilities of small and medium-sized businesses. 

Disaster recovery in the cloud offers a solution here: It allows companies to store data as a backup with a cloud provider such as Open Telekom Cloud and restore it in an emergency. The cloud can completely take over the function of a classic disaster recovery site with the help of virtual servers. This has many advantages: 

  • Users only pay for the resources they actually use on a pay-as-you-go basis.
  • Since users rent the cloud resources, they set up a disaster recovery solution without a high initial investment.
  • Providing resources from the cloud relieves your IT from maintaining redundant systems.
  • Deutsche Telekom offers a higher level of security in its state-of-the-art data centers than is possible for most companies themselves.
  • You can distribute your disaster recovery systems across geographically distant locations with little effort.

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