Folgende 21 APIs werden im Relational Database Service ab sofort unterstützt :
- Querying the Storage Type of a Database
- Stopping an Instance
- Starting an Instance
- Changing a DB Instance Name
- Binding and Unbinding an EIP
- Changing the Failover Priority
- Manually Switching Primary/Standby DB Instances
- Changing the Data Synchronize Model of Primary/Standby DB Instances
- Migrating a Standby DB Instance
- Configuring the Maintenance Window
- Configuring SSL
- Changing a Database Port
- Changing a Security Group
- Changing a Private IP Address
- Obtaining Slow Query Log Statistics
- Obtaining Links for Downloading Slow Query Logs
- Setting SQL Audit
- Querying the Policy for SQL Audit Logs
- Obtaining an Audit Log List
- Obtaining the Link for Downloading an Audit Log
- Modifying Recycling Policy
Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Bereich RDS Service des Help Centers.