Open Telekom Cloud for Business Customers

Storage Disaster Recovery Service (SDRS)

Reasons for failures or issues within your cloud infrastructure can be manifold, and protection against them is imperative for using services such as backups. However, backups alone can cause a prolonged downtime, as restoring the service is sluggish, and they only represent data from a specific point in time. What do you do if your service needs minute-level availability with up-to-date data when a disaster like an earthquake, a fire or other unexpected events cause service outages? How can you ensure a high availability of your service even when a whole availability zone (AZ) may be offline?

The Storage Disaster Recovery Service (SDRS) is the perfect fit for your high-availability cloud service infrastructure requirements. SDRS replicates your data to a different AZ of the Open Telekom Cloud. Thanks to real-time synchronization, your service on your Disaster Recovery Site is always up to date. This means your fail-over instances can be started on minute-level with the highest possible data consistency. And in case you would like to prove the effectiveness of your Disaster Recovery, the service drill functionality allows you to set up an infrastructure based on your replicated data in a dedicated Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), allowing you to test and ensure that the service is working as expected.

Storage Disaster Recovery Service in the Open Telekom Cloud

Reasons for SDRS in the Open Telekom Cloud



Synchronized SDRS data is stored in a different AZ of the Open Telekom Cloud which runs on the Deutsche Telekom's datacenters. These are spread across Europe and comply with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) requirements, ensuring that all services built on top of the Open Telekom Cloud are also compliant.

Real-time redundancy

Real-time redundancy

Thanks to real-time synchronization, the data on your fail-over instance is up to date. This allows you to achieve the highest data consistency and restore your service in the event of emergency or outage with nearly no data loss. Your Recovery Point Objective (RPO) will therefore be close to 0.

Fast recovery

Fast recovery

In the case of an outage within a specific service area or a full AZ of the Open Telekom Cloud, it is possible to quickly restore the services within a different AZ with minimal service interruption. Therefore, a minute-level Recovery Time Objective (RTO) can be achieved.

Easy to use

Easy to use

Usage of the Storage Disaster Recovery Service is easy. In a few, simple clicks you can synchronize your data for failover purpose. Relocating your service to the failover instance within the specified AZ is a matter of a few, easy actions.

Key Features of SDRS

Real-time Cross AZ data synchronization with Storage Disaster Recovery Service

Real-time cross-AZ data synchronization

The Storage Disaster Recovery Service synchronizes the data on your Elastic Volume Service (EVS) storage layer to a dedicated Disaster Recovery Site (DR Site) for failover purpose. The DR site is set up in a different AZ of the Open Telekom Cloud, meaning an entirely different physical data center. Data replication occurs in real-time, enabling an RPO of close to 0.

Fail-over execution

Fail-over execution

There can be many resons for occuring issues: hardware failure, network outage or even the non-availability of specific AZs. With SDRS, you can conveniently synchronize data to a different site and in case of disasters execute a failover, i.e. restore your service in a different AZ.

Test effectiveness of your DR Site

Test effectiveness of your DR Site

With the Disaster Recovery Drill (DR Drill) functionality, you can test and prove the effectiveness of your DR Site, i.e. your failover. This functionality will create snapshots of your failover instances and, based on these, create the server infrastructure in a different VPC for testing purposes.


Structure and Function

Structure and Function of Storage Disaster Recovery Service

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Disaster Recovery 

Business-critical applications must be protected against failure. This is generally guaranteed through a redundant design in various data center locations. A hybrid approach can also be taken in which companies use the Open Telekom Cloud as a disaster recovery location. The locally separated operation of the infrastructures (with different management) provides the business application with additional protection against failure.


New Features

API ExtensionView Details
Storage Disaster Recovery Service (SDRS) availableView Details
Testing the effectiveness of disaster recovery (DR Drill) availableView Details

Find out more


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* Voucher can be redeemed until December 31, 2024. Please contact us when using the voucher for booking. The discount is only valid for customers with a billing address in Germany and expires two months after conclusion of the contract. The credit is deducted according to the valid list prices as per the service description. Payment of the credit in cash is excluded.

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