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World-class data centers

Our data centers in Germany and the Netherlands are among the best in the world with regard to security and cutting-edge services. A German twin-core data center is located in Magdeburg and Biere in Saxony-Anhalt, while a second one is located near Amsterdam in the Netherlands. For particularly high security, they are each divided into three physically separated availability zones (AZ) – as is typical for the Open Telekom Cloud. This results in a total of six AZs.

Maximum protection against failure thanks to twin-core technology

Whether in Germany or the Netherlands, we offer two identical data centers at each site, the German ones being located 18 kilometers apart in Magdeburg and Biere. They are connected by a high-speed network and are thus sealed off from public networks. Our European data centers in the Netherlands work the same way. There are 550 kilometers between the region in Germany and that in the Netherlands, providing true geo-redundancy

The benefits of this twin-core and geo-redundant implementation are clear: Upon request, your data will be stored multiple times, so that operation can continue even if one of the data centers or an entire region suffers a complete failure. Moreover, the closed nature of all system components and the very latest encryption technologies guarantee that only authorized people can gain access to the network.

Open Telekom Cloud data centers layout graphic
All AZs (availability zones) are connected via high-speed networks with low latency.
Graphic for site search

Data secure locations in Europe

The locations of our data center regions were carefully selected on the basis of sound reasons. In Magdeburg/Biere, for example, the area is not susceptible to earthquakes or floods and there are no settlements, flight paths or highways nearby. The same holds true for the data centers in the Netherlands: They are also not susceptible to earthquakes and their locations in different flood protection zones ensure the highest location security. With two additional data centers in Bern and Zollikofen, the Swiss Open Telekom Cloud also allows data to be stored and processed exclusively in Switzerland. In addition to the GDPR, it therefore also complies with the Swiss Data Protection Act (DSG).

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Graphic Green Magenta

Completely independent green energy supply

All data centers in the European cloud are connected to independent power lines: Magdeburg and Biere, for example, are connected by two 110 kilovolt lines with electrical substations in close proximity. In addition, powerful marine diesel engines guarantee the reliable operation of our data centers for a minimum of 48 hours in the unlikely event of a power cut. This is not only secure, but also green: 100 percent of the data centers' electricity needs are met from renewable sources.

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Icon cloud with 99.999% indication

Availability of 99,999 percent

By combining twin-core technology, our internal Zero Outage quality assurance program and the tightest security measures throughout the entire process, we achieve a maximum permanent availability of 99.999 percent. This level corresponds to Tier III+ security according to the Uptime Institute.

A fortress for your data

Data centre Biere: 360° tour

Our European data centers need not shy away from comparisons with Fort Knox. Ramparts to prevent break-ins, meter-high security fences with barbed wire and hundreds of surveillance cameras and motion sensors send out a clear message: If you’re not authorized, you can’t come in. This concept is continued inside the centers with security door systems and hand-held scanners. Our inner sanctum, the server rooms, can only be accessed via an additionally secured bridge. The server racks are secured with code locks. And last but not least, specially trained security staff guard the entire campus around the clock.

Icon with the number of tenants House of Clouds

Trust the best

More than 50 renowned hardware and software providers such as SAP or Cisco have already moved in to T-Systems’ House of Clouds.

Well-protected against cyber attacks

Our physical security measures are complemented by a firewall and various intrusion detection systems that examine data streams for suspicious components such as malware. A range of encryption technologies ensure that the sensitive data of our customers can only be accessed by authorized employees. Moreover, more than 1,000 Telekom security experts worldwide are in permanent exchange in order to continuously develop all our systems. A special Cyber Defense team is dedicated to detecting and preventing attacks around the clock. If necessary, the Cyber Emergency Response team can then immediately intervene in the process and respond to any hacker attacks.

People in front of screens in the data center

Image with fire extinguishers
Image with fire extinguishers

Highest demands on fire protection – 29 independent extinguishing areas

Fire protection in the data center is crucial for safe operation and the availability of our customers' data. State-of-the-art technology and the associated operating processes enable an exceptionally high level of safety. Regular training of extreme situations and expert knowledge help to manage the risks effectively.
The Magdeburg/Biere data center has the following features:

  • VESDA: Very Early Smoke Detection Apparatus – early fire detection with aspirating smoke detectors.
  • Sophisticated room concept with self-sufficient fire protection cells
  • Cell protection in F90 quality – Fire-resistant for at least 90 minutes
  • Automated transfer of detected fire events to the fire department control center
  • Nitrogen gas extinguishing system allows extinguishing of individual fire protection cells
  • Safety distance between locations and on the building campus increase safety
  • Cable runs for power and data on separate routes into the fire protection cells ensure availability
  • Regular black-building tests and partial shutdowns to simulate major incidents
  • On-site appointments with the fire department and integration into the BOS authorities' radio system enable effective communication in the event of an emergency.

Growing for the security of your data

Since the next expansion stage of the high-performance data center in Biere was completed in September 2018 and the new twin-core data center in Amsterdam went into operation at the end of 2020, some 450 petabytes of capacity are now available for cloud data. In comparison, this roughly corresponds to all the digital data held by the Bavarian state library 600 times over. This incredible storage capacity is spread across more than 21,000 m2 square meters of IT production space. And that is far from the end of it, as the Open Telekom Cloud will continue to grow!

Graphic with round icons with information about the data centers.

Users are very careful when it comes to protecting their data. As a result, we can win them over with the Deutsche Telekom brand and the location of the data centers in Germany.

Robert Holkenbrink, Head of Development and Product Management at NZR

What we mean by security

Image with digital display of numbers

Zero Outage

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A man clicks on a mouse in front of a laptop, in the foreground are digital icons over the image

Confidential Computing

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Book now and claim starting credit of EUR 250* (code: 4UOTC250)

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0800 3304477from Germany
+800 33044770from abroad
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* Voucher can be redeemed until December 31, 2025. Please contact us when using the voucher for booking. The discount is only valid for customers with a billing address in Germany and expires two months after conclusion of the contract. The credit is deducted according to the valid list prices as per the service description. Payment of the credit in cash is excluded.


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