Open Telekom Cloud for Business Customers

Dedicated Host (DeH)

With Dedicated Host (DeH), the Open Telekom Cloud offers physical servers for you to run your own virtual machines even more easily on a host-level isolated environment. The physical machines can be allocated flexibly and easily via the console in order to start directly with the provisioning of their own workloads. In contrast to Elastic Cloud Servers (ECS), which are made available from a pool that is accessible to all cloud users, dedicated hosts are provided individually for each customer.

Close-up of a server and various inputs

Reasons for DeH in the Open Telekom Cloud

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The allocated resources run in a GDPR-compliant environment and fulfil all European requirements to run secure workloads with the scalable options of a cloud. Non-European authorities have no access.

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The customer has full control which applications will affect the allocated hardware and how many resources they would like to block. This customized hardware offers an increased level of security and performance, while avoiding the “noisy neighbor” effect (negative influences on allocated resource performance caused by other users).

Icon of four outwards facing arrows infront of a cog


Run only the VMs and applications that you want. There are multiple DeH types for every business requirement, e.g., memory or compute accelerated workloads. The hardware can be used in just few clicks and is charged on demand.

Key Features of DeH

A padlock in a matrix of lines and nodes


DeH provides another layer of security at the physical level. In the event of a failure of the physical server on which the virtual ECS instance resides, the affected workload will be restored on another available dedicated host.

Icon of a magnifying glass focusing on nodes


The isolation of computing resources allow an overview and full control of which workloads are running on the machine. Compared to common ECSs, unused resources, such as vCPU or memory of a host, are visible.

Icon of a server with a plus symbol


In contrast to Bare Metal Servers (BMS), the hardware resources for dedicated hosts are virtualized. DeH allows users to design their own virtual machines in different sizes. Via the visual console or the API, DeH and ECS VMs can be easily managed via Terraform, for example.

Icon of two squares, one of which contains a right-facing arrow


The Dedicated Host Service can help to reuse existing licences for RHEL, SUSE (SLES), Microsoft Windows Server, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Office etc. This means you do not have to apply for a new one. With the BYOL license type, you can thus significantly reduce your costs.

Icon of a bill

Flexible billing

DeH includes three pricing models: Elastic (hourly billing), Reserved (discounted monthly pricing for continuous use), and Reserved Upfront (increased discounts through prepayment). The license costs for the operating system are already included.

Icon of a server resting on a cloud

Cloud service integration

DeH is easily integratable with other services to provide computing, storage, and network resources. Linked services include ECS, VPC, IMS, EVS, CSBS, CES, KMS and many more services to meet business needs in a cloud.


DeH Type Overview

General Purpose

Dedicated General Purpose


Ultra-High I/O


Structure and Function

DeH Structure and Function

New Features

BMS & DeH – Marking with tagsView Details
DeH - c4 flavor available in the EU-DE regionView Details
The dedicated host service is now available in EU-NLView Details
New Ultra-High I/O ECS flavor i3View Details

Find out more


Book now and claim starting credit of EUR 250* (code: 4UOTC250)

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Our experts will be happy to help you.
We will answer any questions you have regarding testing, booking and usage – free and tailored to your needs. Try it out today!

Hotline: 24 hours a day, seven days a week 
0800 3304477from Germany
+800 33044770from abroad

* Voucher can be redeemed until December 31, 2024. Please contact us when using the voucher for booking. The discount is only valid for customers with a billing address in Germany and expires two months after conclusion of the contract. The credit is deducted according to the valid list prices as per the service description. Payment of the credit in cash is excluded.

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