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ISG Provider Lens: Open Telekom Cloud once again leader in the German market

Searching for the right public cloud? The independent report from the analysts at the Information Services Group (ISG) can help. The Provider Lens evaluates public cloud providers in the German market and highlights their strengths. The report is available for download.

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Free geodata: Apply now for ESA funding!

The Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem (CDSE) is the world's largest collection of Earth observation data. It also helps to assess the situation with regard to global warming and its consequences. ESA motivates geoservices providers to use the data and the platform for the development of new services.

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In the database fast lane with the Distributed Cache Service

What can the Distributed Cache Service be used for? When does it show its strengths? In our whitepaper, we offer a look behind the scenes of the fast in-memory database, application scenarios, usable data structures and quantified speed gains based on measurements.

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Level up your AI and HPC Applications with NVIDIA H100 GPUs

Get ready for a special Christmas gift: Open Telekom Cloud introduces the next generation of GPUs from NVIDIA. H100 will be available in four flavors in December 2024 bringing new power to your Artificial Intelligence projects and other high performance use cases.

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