Additional ECS GPU pi2 flavor
Use this additional ECS GPU pi2 flavor for both graphics and calculation-oriented applications.
Use this additional ECS GPU pi2 flavor for both graphics and calculation-oriented applications.
Summer cleaning at the Open Telekom Cloud: End of August, we will be carrying out a comprehensive navigation change on our website to offer you an even better user experience.
The Dashboard API is being updated to version 2 (v2) to improve the existing design and introduce new features. The existing API will continue to work until August 30, 2024, after which it will be phased out.
As part of the extension of current supported database engines, Data Replication Service supports the Real-Time Synchronization from Distributed Database Middleware into Distributed Database Middleware
This new Major version upgrade includes new OS versions for development environment, inference services. HTTPS and Websockets protocols are now supported and many more features.
Renaming of Database service GaussDB (for Cassandra) into GeminiDB
With storage autoscaling enabled, when Relational Database Service (RDS) detects that you are running out of database space, it automatically scales up your storage. Please try it!
PostgreSQL offers a brand new flavor in EU-DE.
The updated DMS service in EU-DE & EU-NL generates new T-Systems SSL certificates after 07/19/2024.
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