Open Telekom Cloud for Business Customers

Object Storage Service with new user interface & 
Object Lock

The Object Storage Service has been given a new user interface. This gives you better control over the configuration of the bucket, improves clarity and now also makes it possible to configure the object lock/worm functionality of the object storage service from the user interface. Enclosed you will find an overview of the changes including a short description.

Bucket view:

  • export function - Provides an overview of the bucket properties for download. Contents are: Storage class, region, capacity, number of objects & creation date
  • 2nd search function - Buckets can now be searched for using keywords. This also includes a search by bucket name, region or storage class
  • sort function - buckets can now be sorted more conveniently according to their properties
Screenshot bucket view

Creation of buckets:

  • object lock / worm function - the object lock/worm functionality can now also be configured directly when creating a bucket
  • improved hints when creating buckets
  • improved configuration of encryption when creating a bucket
Screenshot creation of buckets

Bucket configuration:

  • Configuration options of the bucket have been rearranged - Some functions have been moved to the new tab ‘Basic Configurations’ such as Lifecycle Rules, Event Notifications & Tagging
  • It is now possible to configure the Worm functionality directly from the overview page of the bucket
  • The overview of the currently executed tasks has been moved to the top right.
Screenshot bucket configuration

Object list:

  • The information about the encryption & restoration status (for objects of the ‘Cold’ storage class) has been removed to improve the performance of the object list
  • The ‘Back’ functionality for navigating through folder structures has been improved
  • The ‘Settings’ button has been added. This allows users to customise the display of the object list
  • Batch download of objects is now possible
Screenshot Object list


  • The configuration of access authorisations has been made clearer.
  • In addition to the visual editor, there is now also a JSON editor
Screenshot Permissions

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