Open Telekom Cloud for Business Customers

New GaussDB (for Cassandra) Service is now available in EU-DE region

GaussDB (for Cassandra) is a cloud-based NoSQL database compatible with Cassandra. It supports the Cassandra Query Language (CQL), which provides SQL-like syntax. GaussDB (for Cassandra) is secure, reliable, scalable and easy to manage. It offers outstanding read/write performance and supports the Cassandra 3.11 DB engine.

Some facts about GaussDB (for Cassandra):

High security and reliability

  • A multi-layered security system, including VPC, subnet, security group, SSL, and fine-grained permission control, ensures database security and user data protection.
  • You can deploy an instance across three availability zones (AZs) and quickly back up or restore data to improve data reliability.
  • Distributed architecture provides excellent resiliency (N-1 reliability).

Excellent read/write performance

GaussDB (for Cassandra) offers a three-fold performance increase over the open source version. Data can be written to this highly available database 24/7, and with automatic load balancing and elastic scaling, you always have the performance you need.

Flexible scaling
Decoupled compute and storage resources allow you to add compute nodes in minutes and increase storage capacity in seconds without service interruptions.

Compute clusters consist of multiple homogeneous nodes, and data is stored in a distributed, shared storage pool. Compute and storage resources are decoupled so they can scale flexibly without having to migrate data.

For more information, see the GaussDB NoSQL section of the Help Center or the GaussDB NoSQL landing page  for more detailed information.


Do you have questions?

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0800 3304477 from Germany / 00800 33044770 from abroad

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