The new upgrade in Cloud Search Service (CSS) offers new features and solved issues.
New Features:
- Added the index recycle bin in Elasticsearch 7.10.2.
- Elasticsearch 7.10.2 vector indexes support MinHash-Hamming-based similarities in int8/int16.
- By default, the VPC Endpoint Service is not displayed for new clusters. By default, VPCEP connections cannot be created for clusters where VPC Endpoint Service is disabled.
- The CSS console displays messages that notify users that disk capacity reduction is not supported.
- The CSS read/write splitting plug-in supports automatic synchronization of metadata.
Solved Issues:
- CSS Snapshot configuration from console doesn't supports basePath and KMS
- An error message is displayed when a user clicks an OBS bucket on the cluster snapshots page.
- Snapshot management -> Snapshots fail to be created. The number of successfully created snapshots, the number of snapshot creation failures, and the total number of snapshots are incorrect. The parameters obtained by the front end are incorrect.
- [VPC Endpoint Service] The response message needs to be optimized when the action parameter cannot be found in a request for updating a VPCEP connection.
- Cross-segment vector index] After the vector index PV_GRAPH + segment-Euclidean is created, snapshots fail to be created.
Further information can be found in the Cloud Search Service(CSS) area of the Help Centers