Open Telekom Cloud for Business Customers

IAM 2.4 update

Our Identity and Access Management (IAM) was updated to Version 2.4 and got new improvements. The IAM API was also upgraded. Please read for more detailed information the following paragraphs.

Password policy
The current limit of 2 characters from each Character group (upper, lower-case, numeric, special characters) was increased and now allows the customer to set this limit between 2 - 4 for each Character group.

Access Control List
It is now possible to add more ACLs in IAM. The ACL quota was raised from 100 to 200.

Cloud Trace Service Integration
Failed logins are now logged within Cloud Trace Service. Before it was only possible to log successful logins.
Also CTS now logs consistent for both API and console actions.

New APIs for checking user groups
Two new APIs were added for administrators to check whether a user group has specified permissions for all projects and to query all permissions that have been assigned to a user group.

HEAD /v3/OS-INHERIT/domains/{domain_id}/groups/{group_id}/roles/{role_id}/inherited_to_projects
GET /v3/OS-INHERIT/domains/{domain_id}/groups/{group_id}/roles/inherited_to_projects


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