The Identity and Access Management (IAM) got some improvements in the current functions. Additionally, the user administration is extended by the new release version. Please read for detailed information the following paragraphs.
OpenStack compliance
With the current release of the IAM, we have updated the APIs to fulfill the OpenStack compliance. Also, we have improved the User API command to get more useful information.
IAM Federated Authentication
The new version of IAM improved the option for the customer to create a working Federated Authentication Environment. The updated documentation for Federated Authentication is now available in the Help Center.
Extended number of user groups
The current limit of 50 user groups per tenant has been increased to 100 user groups per tenenat. The increase of user groups > 50 can be requested via Service Ticket.
IAM API update for Login Authentication
We have updated the IAM API to return the Login Authentication methods for each user which will fulfill the security requirements.