In both regions (EU-DE and EU-NL) the new DMS Smart-Connect feature is now available. With this feature it is more convenient to migrate or synchronize data between different DMS instances, as well to dump data to OBS. The Smart-Connect synchronization rules can be configured, for Pull & Push mechanisms, replications, offsets, custom mapping of topics and many more.
The Smart-Connect can synchronize DMS instances in the same VPC, VPC’s interconnected with Endpoints and with the Enterprise Router.
The additional created DMS brokers for Smart-Connect have the same flavor specifications as the regular DMS clusters brokers and will be charged in the same way.
Single & Beta instances cannot be synchronized using Smart-Connect. Once the currently available beta flavors for Kafka 3.x will become regular cluster flavors the Smart-Connect feature will automatically support those flavors too.
For more details please see the new chapter in the Help-Center.