In this article you will read about,
- the challenges high-performance computing (HPC) poses for companies in terms of IT security and data protection,
- the HPC application scenarios for which special legal and technical requirements apply
- and how companies can use HPC resources securely and on demand from the public cloud.
Anyone who believed that once the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force that this was as comprehensive as such regulations could get for companies was proved wrong at the end of April 2019 when the new Trade Secrets Act (GeschGehG) came into force in Germany. It obliges companies to take appropriate measures to protect their trade secrets. Just one example of the complex and volatile IT security and data protection challenges that companies face.
And these challenges certainly don’t diminish in the high-performance computing (HPC) environment. On the contrary, companies generally resort to HPC to solve particularly complex problems not only in a particularly short time, but also in a particularly secure manner. For example, when it comes to product development or the processing of personal data, for example in medicine. In an interview, Max Guhl and Alfred Geiger – both cloud, HPC and supercomputing experts at T-Systems – explain how companies can meet these challenges without neglecting IT security and data protection.