Open Telekom Cloud for Business Customers

Self check: Ready for the hybrid cloud?

by Redaktion
Thoughtful businesswoman with stylised virtual lines.
Which cloud variant is best suited for which scenario? Good preparation is important for a successful migration.

In this article you will read about,

  • the advantages of hybrid cloud environments and why companies often shy away from them,
  • why companies are wasting the cloud’s valuable potential in the process,
  • and how you can find out which cloud infrastructure is right for which scenario.

Secure, GDPR and regulatory compliant, profitable, flexible – and complex. Cloud services are essential for companies looking to modernize their IT landscape. The majority of German companies (95 percent) would like to create a hybrid cloud infrastructure. However, they often lack the comprehensive and overarching expertise that migration projects to the hybrid cloud require. Many companies also shy away from the subsequent management of data and resources in the combined services of the private and public cloud. And there isn’t sufficient knowledge in most companies about the hurdles on the way to hybrid infrastructures.

Most companies, therefore, play it safe with their business applications and leave them in the private cloud. It’s clear why, but it’s unnecessary. In doing so, companies are squandering valuable potential. After all, cloud computing only develops its full efficiency when it is clear exactly which cloud variant is best suited for which applications and scenarios. Those who then combine private and public resources as needed in a hybrid model will cover requirements optimally and thus benefit. To ensure that the migration is successful, it is important to be well prepared, to be aware of pitfalls, to remove hurdles, and to involve the right partners.

Our self check helps you assess your starting position, your existing expertise, and your needs. And in the evaluation, it gives you a recommendation for how to proceed.

Book now and claim starting credit of EUR 250


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