In this article you will read about,
- which stumbling blocks can stand in the way of companies setting up a hybrid cloud,
- how the set-up, operation, and security of a hybrid cloud can be mastered,
- why the Open Telekom Cloud with its uniform hardware and software environment significantly simplifies the management of a hybrid cloud.
Hybrid cloud is becoming increasingly popular as the operating mode for companies’ IT landscapes. This has been shown by a number of analyst surveys in recent years, including those from IDC and PAC. The trade publication ZDNet even sees Germany on the verge of a "hybrid cloud wave." No wonder, since companies with hybrid cloud benefit from cost-effective pay-as-you-go models, almost limitless scalability, and the greatest possible reliability. But beware: when setting up hybrid cloud solutions, some stumbling blocks can arise. The following tips show how decision-makers and IT managers can recognize and master potential problems related to operation, availability, security, and data protection.