Open Telekom Cloud for Business Customers

Fake AI or real? AI expert exposes false advertising 

by Editiorial team
Female face with graphic elements
Where artificial intelligence is on the label, often there are only simple algorithms within.

In this article you will read about,

  • why so many companies rely on artificial intelligence,
  • what distinguishes real AI from fake AI and
  • why this is important for companies.

Megatrend or buzzword: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is currently on everyone's lips. There is hardly a company to be found right now that does not rely on artificial intelligence (AI) or is at least interested in it. Applications based on machine learning processes are emerging everywhere. And it’s a trend that is continuing even in difficult times: Despite the coronavirus crisis, the AI market will grow by more than 12 percent year-on-year in 2020 to over 156 billion US dollars, according to IDC forecasts. Not surprisingly, AI is considered one of the most important technological achievements of our time because it advances so many areas of life. Autonomous driving, speech and image recognition, automation – all these future technologies depend massively on the progress of AI development for their success. Resourceful marketing professionals have long recognized this. Now even smartphones are supposed to contain AI solutions. But by no means everything that is labelled AI is also real AI. For laypersons, however, this is often difficult to recognize. And that can be expensive: For example, companies that want to become continuously more efficient with the help of artificially intelligent solutions will not be able to achieve this goal with fake AI.

Ralf Hülsmann from the AI team at T-Systems explains: What is "real" AI and what is fake? 

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