Open Telekom Cloud for Business Customers

Cloud Create

In today's fast-paced business environment, innovation is key to staying ahead of the curve. But state-of-the-art public clouds, like the Open Telekom Cloud, have a daunting complexity related to infrastructure management and do not tackle the application management themselves. This is where Cloud Create comes into play. It allows you to easy and quickly set up and deploy desired Open Telekom Cloud infrastructure and associated applications. Cloud Create comes with a visual designer that lets you easily architect desired infrastructure of your applications as well as deploy and configure them, all in all boosting your deployments.

Users benefits from the possibilities with Cloud Create

Reasons for Cloud Create in the Open Telekom Cloud

Icon composition: control panel and hand

Effortless development

Say farewell to monotonous coding tasks. With Cloud Create's intuitive visual interfaces and drag-and-drop functionality, your developers can unleash their creativity without being hindered by technical hurdles.

Icon composition: Server and scaling

Efficient resource allocation

No more wasted hours tinkering with server configurations: Cloud Create offers pre-configured infrastructure resources that can be easily provisioned and scaled, ensuring optimal resource utilization and freeing your team to focus on innovation.

Icon composition: diagram and euro

Cost optimization

Why pay for resources you don't need? Cloud Create operates on a flexible, pay-as-you-go model, enabling you to optimize costs and allocate resources judiciously as your business evolves.

Icon composition: light bulb and gear wheel

Agility and innovation

With Cloud Create handling the heavy lifting of infrastructure management, your team can devote their energy to what truly matters: pushing the boundaries of innovation. Whether it's refining existing solutions or exploring new market opportunities, Cloud Create empowers you to move at the speed of creativity.


Key Features of Cloud Create

Benutzeroberfläche des visuellen Designers
Visually design your app with drag-and-drop service components

Visual designer

The visual designer allows you to drag and drop premade components into your architecture. Some of the most frequently used service components like Grafana and Prometheus are available that allows you to focus on writing code for your application. Finally, Cloud Create will auto-generate Terraform code and deploy them on Open Telekom Cloud.

Benutzeroberfläche OpenShift-Anwendungsvorlage
The OpenShift app template

Public app templates such as OpenShift available

Our solution architects regularly publish popular app templates in Cloud Create. This allows you to directly access application architectures and reuse them. That way you can speed up the deployment of your desired application and mandatory infrastructure components. All app templates and service components are available in the TOSCA standard format at our public GitHub so that you can review and contribute at any time.

The OpenShift app template

OpenShift by Red Hat is a container platform built on top of Kubernetes, which has become a popular solution. With Cloud Create you can generate a “Self-managed OpenShift Container Platform” from the OpenShift app template.

Normally, to deploy a Self-managed OpenShift Container Platform on a cloud provider, you need to set up the cloud infrastructure by yourself (e.g., VMs, networks, security groups, DNS, virtual IP addresses, etc.) and then install OpenShift manually on top. This requires deep knowledge about the cloud (e.g., OpenStack) and cloud automation (e.g., Terraform and Ansible). With the OpenShift app template, you can start OpenShift right away using a highly available architecture.

Read more about the OpenShift template and try it out!

Benutzeroberfläche zur Verwaltung von Systemadministrationsaufgaben
Administrators click on a compute to see Terraform and states at runtime

Easy management of system administration tasks

Cloud Create makes system administration tasks easier thanks to the intuitive and interactive user interface. System administrators can access all information from one place, allowing them to directly see the deployment log at runtime.

Benutzeroberfläche für Anwendungsupdates
Update between versions

Managing application updates

With Cloud Create, you can design your application in multiple versions and choose which version to deploy on which environments (e.g., test, pre-production, production). Most importantly, you can run updates from one version to another. Cloud Create visually shows the differences between two versions during updates and auto-calculates the upgrade path between them to review beforehand. Our innovative update feature will save you cost in your operations.


Structure and Function

With Cloud Create you can compose multiple services in one application, modify an app template to fit your individual needs, and perform updates between multiple versions.

Infografik zu Struktur und Funktion von Cloud Create

FAQ: frequently asked questions

How can I log in to Cloud Create?

What is a self-managed OpenShift Container Platform?

What are the differences between Cloud Create and the web console?

Does Cloud Create support multi-cloud?

What is the Cloud Topology Designer?

Is Cloud Create open source?

Find out more



Book now and claim starting credit of EUR 250* (code: 4UOTC250)

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We will answer any questions you have regarding testing, booking and usage – free and tailored to your needs. Try it out today!

Hotline: 24 hours a day, seven days a week 
0800 3304477from Germany
+800 33044770from abroad

* Voucher can be redeemed until December 31, 2024. Please contact us when using the voucher for booking. The discount is only valid for customers with a billing address in Germany and expires two months after conclusion of the contract. The credit is deducted according to the valid list prices as per the service description. Payment of the credit in cash is excluded.

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