Open Telekom Cloud for Business Customers

Pricing models

Flexible pricing models – tailored to your needs

Open Telekom Cloud offers flexible pricing according to customers’ needs – transparency included thanks to the price calculator.

Open Telekom Cloud pricing models at a glance

The Open Telekom Cloud offers a great price-performance ratio and transparent pricing. Basically, two price models are available: “Open Elastic” and “Reserved”.


Top in price/performance

Cloud Mercato: Comparison in price-performance ratio

The independent benchmarking experts at Cloud Mercato examined the price/performance ratio of Open Telekom Cloud and the US hyperscalers Google Cloud, Azure and AWS. In all three test series for general virtual machines and compute- and storage-optimized resources, Open Telekom Cloud's cloud services achieved top results.


Price calculator

The price calculator provides a fast, non-binding estimate of your potential costs. Easily compile the resources you need.


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Get an overview of typical requirements and challenges when choosing suitable cloud services.

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Our cloud solution

Get to know our cloud solution and learn more about the tailor-made services and their advantages.

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Products & services

Find out more about the Open Telekom Cloud service portfolio for setting up and managing workloads.

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High availability data centers

We offer secure, highly available cloud services from twin core data centers including georedundancy.

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European alternative

Get an overview of how the Open Telekom Cloud as a European solution ranks against hyperscalers.

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Customer stories

Numerous customers use the Open Telekom Cloud successfully. Explore how they benefit.

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Getting started

See how fast and easy you can use the Open Telekom Cloud. Get started and test our cloud for free.

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