Open Telekom Cloud for Business Customers

European alternative

Sovereign, secure and efficient – with a European cloud

Thanks to its extensive portfolio, multiple certifications and good price-performance ratio, the Open Telekom Cloud is suitable for anyone looking for a secure, sovereign and European cloud solution.

Schematic representation with advantages of the Open Telekom Cloud with regard to data storage in Europe
The Open Telekom Cloud is a European cloud – with data held in Europe, staff based in Europe and subject to European law.
There are three types of sovereignty: data sovereignty, operational sovereignty and technology sovereignty. The Open Telekom Cloud is a cloud with regard to all criteria.

Hyperscaler Comparison

Compare us with the big hyperscalers and discover that the Open Telekom Cloud offers a competitive alternative to the global players. With us, you benefit from a European cloud solution with the highest security and compliance standards as well as efficient services with good price.

Icon Wolke mit Auflistung

Looking for a cloud service’s name on Open Telekom Cloud?

Different cloud providers have different names for the same service. We provide a comparison of the service names of the Open Telekom Cloud with the ones of the hyperscalers. This allows you to quickly find the appropriate service for your needs!

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ISG Provider Lens™: Public Cloud Solutions and Services 2022

Quadrant aus ISG-Studie mit Vergleich von Anbietern einer flexiblen und skalierbaren Infrastruktur in einer Public Cloud

As in previous years, the Open Telekom Cloud is classified as one of the leading public cloud solutions. Above all, the high data protection standards and the broad service portfolio convinced the independent analysts of the Information Service Group (ISG).


Cloud benchmark: best value for money in the Netherlands

The independent benchmarking experts from Cloud Mercato examined the price-performance ratio of Open Telekom Cloud in the Netherlands and compared it with the US hyperscalers Google Cloud, Azure and AWS. As a result, the cloud services of the Open Telekom Cloud achieved top marks in all test series for available virtual machines as well as computing and storage-optimized resources.


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Our cloud solution

Get to know our cloud solution and learn more about the tailor-made services and their advantages.

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Products & services

Find out more about the Open Telekom Cloud service portfolio for setting up and managing workloads.

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High availability data centers

We offer secure, highly available cloud services from twin core data centers including georedundancy.

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Customer stories

Numerous customers use the Open Telekom Cloud successfully. Explore how they benefit.

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Pricing models

Take a look at our different pricing models. We ensure best prices for our customers.

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Getting started

See how fast and easy you can use the Open Telekom Cloud. Get started and test our cloud for free.

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