Take advantage of our consulting services!
Our experts will be happy to help you.
We will answer any questions you have regarding testing, booking and usage – free and tailored to your needs. Try it out today!

Hotline: 24 hours a day, seven days a week 
0800 3304477from Germany
+800 33044770from abroad
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Interesse an einem Training?
Sprechen Sie uns an!
Haben Sie Fragen rund um das Online-TrainingPräsenz-Training oder Trainingspaket? Rufen Sie uns an oder schreiben Sie uns eine E-Mail. 
Montag bis Freitag 8:00-17:00 Uhr
0800 3304477from Germany
+800 33044770from abroad
Offenes Training buchen
Interesse an einem Training?
Sprechen Sie uns an!
Haben Sie Fragen rund um das Online-TrainingPräsenz-Training oder Trainingspaket? Rufen Sie uns an oder schreiben Sie uns eine E-Mail.
Montag bis Freitag 8:00-17:00 Uhr
0800 3304477from Germany
+800 33044770from abroad
Offenes Training buchen

Book now and claim starting credit of EUR 250* (code: 4UOTC250)

Book now
Take advantage of our consulting services!
Our experts will be happy to help you.
We will answer any questions you have regarding testing, booking and usage – free and tailored to your needs. Try it out today!

Hotline: 24 hours a day, seven days a week 
0800 3304477from Germany
+800 33044770from abroad
Write an E-mail

* Voucher can be redeemed until December 31, 2025. Please contact us when using the voucher for booking. The discount is only valid for customers with a billing address in Germany and expires two months after conclusion of the contract. The credit is deducted according to the valid list prices as per the service description. Payment of the credit in cash is excluded.


Book now and claim starting credit of EUR 250* (code: 4UOTC250)

Book now
Illustration of the competitive comparison of cloud platforms

ISG Provider Lens: The best clouds on the German market

The Open Telekom Cloud has once again secured the title as one of the leading public cloud solutions on the German market. According to ISG analysts, the solution scores highly with European security, hybrid options and an exemplary sustainability strategy.

Find out more

Book now and claim starting credit of EUR 250

Book now

Do you have questions?

We answer your questions about testing, booking and use – free of charge and individually. Try it! 
Hotline: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
0800 3304477 from Germany / 00800 33044770 from abroad

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Back to overview Release Notes 

Do you have questions?

We answer your questions about testing, booking and use – free of charge and individually. Try it! 
Hotline: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
0800 3304477 from Germany / 00800 33044770 from abroad

Write an E-mail

Haben Sie Fragen?

Wir beantworten Ihre Fragen zu Testmöglichkeit, Buchung und Nutzung – kostenfrei und individuell. Probieren Sie es aus! Hotline: 24 Stunden am Tag, 7 Tage die Woche
0800 3304477 aus Deutschland / 00800 33044770 aus dem Ausland

E-Mail schreiben

Do you have any questions regarding our training courses?

Do you have any questions regarding our training courses?
Upon request, we will conduct closed training as in-house seminars.
Simply give us a call or send an email. Hotline: Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

0800 3304477 from Germany / 00800 33044770 from abroad

Request in-house seminar
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Do you have any questions regarding our training courses?

Do you have any questions regarding our training courses?
Upon request, we will conduct closed training as in-house seminars.
Simply give us a call or send an email. Hotline: Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

0800 3304477 from Germany / 00800 33044770 from abroad

Request in-house seminar
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